Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Suddenly Everything Has Changed

The title speaks for itself. I have arrived and I am definitely not at home.  Truly imagine every image of central america that you can from most movies and tv shows you have seen. Not the resorts, or vacation destinations, but the true central american cities and villages.  That is exactly where I currently find myself.  It is all an adjustment and I would be a liar if I said it was a smooth transition. The transition is still very much in progress.

Last night I didn't have to do any work so I got the opportunity to just hang out and meet some of the other people on the farm.  They are all nice but at the same time all experienced wwoofers so this is hardly anything to them.  I was initially planning on setting up my hammock in the warehouse, which in actuality is more of an over-sized garage. Could probably fit about 5 cars? Either way, the hammock was a no go in there. So after attempts of setting my hammock up between some trees outside, I found what I will call a perfect spot under a large over hang of the garage.  It gives me great cover from any rain that may fall (and from what I hear very hard) but it also lets me be outside where the air is moving and smells way better than this stinky garage. Another person here was nice enough to let me use/have their mosquito net so I am protected from them as well. All in all I think it is an ok place to sleep. For six weeks? We will have to see about that.

The food here is fresh and organic as promised. It is nice to be out working in the gardens and able to simply reach over and eat some beans,  or a piece of fruit you may desire.  I am eating because I know I have to as my appetite is severely lacking. Which is worrisome because I came here pretty skinny and not eating is not going to do me any favors.

The scenery here is truly beautiful.  I have picked up some interesting info from the other people here. For instance I am 10 degrees from the equator, and costa rica is the only country that contains both the southern parts of the mexican dry forest, and the northern parts of the tropical amazon rain forest. (I am much closer to the amazon part).

There are 6 other wwoofers here with me, to other Americans, three Canadians, and one from Mexico.  Two of the Canadians are leaving tomorrow though I think. Two girls and the rest guys but at least in my mind right now gender doesn't mean anything. Everyone works, though some are significantly lazier than others, but they are the two leaving tomorrow.  Today is Roberts birthday so I guess we are making pizza or something like that. One of the girls here made a cake. It should be good. I actually may be late to lunch right now.

It was beautiful all day though the sky is overcast now leading me to believe that rain is on the way.  I love you all and certainly have already come to see the things we all take for granted every day. You read people writing that about their travels all the time  but it is kind of meaningless until you truly realize what it means.


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