Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lazy days

So the past two days have been relatively uneventful.  Typical work days on the farm, for me at least consist of weeding beds, watering plants if it hasn´t rained, perhaps planting some new seeds that have been germinating in the greenhouse, which is not like a green house as the definition states, more of just a kinda covered walkway with lots of young plants growing.  Two people left sunday which is a bummer because i had really come to enjoy their company and they were certainly some of the hardest workers on the farm.  They did give me some advice for the trip i am planning on taking but that hardly mitigates their departure.  They left sunday, and two new people just arrived yesterday.  A frenchmen and a girl from texas.  Everyone that comes through here has a very interesting story and in almost every single case, a very interesting story of where they just came from, or where they will be. Except for me. For instance, the new guy, Nico, from France, has been traveling around for a few months already and plans on continuing to travel for rougly two years.  He has and plans to cover most of the globe from the sound of it and has been getting to each new place by way of boat.  All the travlers here are extremely savvy when it comes to transportation and aside from an occasional flight here and there, they all get around by rideshare, couch surfing, wwoof, or just straight up hitch hiking.

When the work day is finished, the day we pass the time by cooking, eating, playing soccer, reading.  There is so much cooking that happens here and you can almost always find someone in the kitchen, and most always mooch some food off them. My culinary skills are definitely not as advanced as some of the others so i am more than happy to slide my way into their meals.  As for soccer, my legs are sore and my shins bruised but with how frequently we play there is no way I won´t improve, which is good news for next years tournament.  We are supposed to go and visit the United Nations University for Peace today so I am real interested to see that. There is also apparently a cool lookout point that you can hike to from the university. The rash on my hand is just about completely gone thank goodness but i did manage to cut a finger while cutting up a pineapple for everyone on sunday. Oh well. Nothing major.  I shall keep the updates coming!

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