Saturday, June 25, 2011


Naturally I haven't been on here a while but I will try to get better about keeping this more updated, and more frequently.  I am adjusting to farm life pretty well I would say. Though I have belabored the point to some, my only complaint is the rash I have developed on my hand.  It is called Phytophotodermatitis. Kinda wild, and hopefully gone within a few days.  Life in a hammock is growing on me.  It rained all last night and I would have to say that it probably helped me sleep more soundly.  The peaceful steady drum.  Ahhh, though I do hate when I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night, it is annoying. Anyways, this blog is not about some jackass in a hammock, so, the plants grown here are so numerous that in some instances, even the owner of the farm doesn't know what is growing.  There is a myriad of vegetables and root plants, as to be expected. Radishes, beets, sweet potato, yucca, guanacaste trees, squash,  mango trees, cashew trees, bamboo, tons of pineapple, lemons, limes, sweet limes, which you can just peal and eat, though they are still quite sour, string beans, white beans, and plenty of herbs as well.  Dill, rosemary, parsley, and some others that I can pronounce, kinda, but can't spell not to mention all the ones I cannot remember. I will try to get out within the next few days and take some pictures to show the layout and look of the farm.

I finally got to go into town today and I really loved it. It was exactly what I needed.  I got to use a little Spanish, but I haven't used it nearly enough to strengthen my skills. We went to the local market, which was under a cover smaller than a football field, but where tons of local farmers sell all kinds of things. Some we grow, and some we don't.  It was cool though. Then, we went to a small organic juice bar called, organica, which has AMAZING drinks and smoothies (batidos more specifically). It really liked being in the town and look forward to going again and spending more time there.  I will stop now to keep it from getting too long, but I will try to update it more often.

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