Friday, July 15, 2011

BAM, back on the farm with three days left

So, I am back. And have been back for about two days now. I spent a week traveling.  Two nights in La Fortuna, three in Monteverde, and two in Manuel Antonio.  All of them were beautiful, different, and worthy of checking out.  Natural hot springs, cloud forests, and literally the most beautiful beach I have ever seen in my life. Also one of the strongest undertows I have ever had to deal with. Lesson learned about trying to body surf. I am back on the farm after a long bus ride in a hot cramped public bus next to a crying baby that was silenced by being breast fed by the mother. I got to experience that. With a full bladder to boot. When I got back to the farm, everyone there before I left was gone, and replaced by new faces.  Alas, that is the way of the farm and I can´t say that i care too much because I will be home in a few short days. I know that this blog was lacking in information, but of course, any time you see me, don´t hesitate to ask and I would be more than happy to fill in the numberous, numerous gaps haha.  I have learned quite a bit and I have also learned that next time I travel, I think i would like to go with somebody.  Thanks for reading and I will see you all stateside.

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